Danilo Stern-Sapad

Danilo Stern-Sapad

Hyperion360 Founder. 3x CTO. Built global tech teams of 200+ for Fortune 500 and unicorns.

From Goals to Greatness: Goal-Setting Psychology and the SMART Goals Framework

From Goals to Greatness: Goal-Setting Psychology and the SMART Goals Framework

For decades, psychologists have puzzled over a question that seems, at the surface, almost too simple: why do some people accomplish what they set out to do, while others fail?

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The Art and Science of Pitching Investors: How to Create a Pitch Deck and Raise Like a Pro

The Art and Science of Pitching Investors: How to Create a Pitch Deck and Raise Like a Pro

In the bustling streets of San Francisco, you step out of a rideshare, feeling ready to take on the world.

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How to Build a Successful Startup: Essential Advice from Y Combinator and Unicorn Founders 🚀

How to Build a Successful Startup: Essential Advice from Y Combinator and Unicorn Founders 🚀

Building a startup is both an exhilarating and daunting endeavor. It is an ongoing process of learning, adapting, and overcoming challenges.

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How to Develop a Growth Mindset as a Leader to Transform Your Team

How to Develop a Growth Mindset as a Leader to Transform Your Team

Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? Our mindset influences our behaviors, decisions, and interactions, all of which contribute to our overall performance and achievement, both personally and professionally.

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How to Shape Business Opportunities through Business Model Generation

How to Shape Business Opportunities through Business Model Generation

Designing an effective business model can be the difference between success and failure — at the very least, it indicates strong leadership and effective planning.

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How to Recognize Business Opportunities and Validate Your Ideas

How to Recognize Business Opportunities and Validate Your Ideas

With the rapid advancements in technology and the increasingly interconnected global marketplace, the world is teeming with opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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How to Win the Fight Against Deepfake Voice Cloning: Your Business Defense Strategy

How to Win the Fight Against Deepfake Voice Cloning: Your Business Defense Strategy

You’re working from home, and your phone rings. It’s your boss, and she sounds frantic.

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How to Embrace a Remote-Friendly Culture: Strategies for Success and Overcoming Challenges

How to Embrace a Remote-Friendly Culture: Strategies for Success and Overcoming Challenges

Remote work is the future of work. While this brings tremendous opportunities, it also presents unique challenges.

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How to Find and Pick a Good Company Name & Domain Name for SEO

How to Find and Pick a Good Company Name & Domain Name for SEO

In the digital world, your domain name often doubles as your company name, and if not, it should.

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How to Manage Remote Engineering Teams Effectively

How to Manage Remote Engineering Teams Effectively

We live in the era of digital transformation where remote engineering teams are no longer an exception but a standard.

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How to Set Up A/B Testing for Your Online Business: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Set Up A/B Testing for Your Online Business: A Comprehensive Guide

Imagine spending over a decade embedded in a world where every pixel, every sentence, and every call to action can mean the difference between a conversion and a lost opportunity.

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How to Save Your SSH Key Passphrase to Your Apple Keychain On MacOS

How to Save Your SSH Key Passphrase to Your Apple Keychain On MacOS

Did you just upgrade macOS only to find that when you’re pushing or pulling changes from GitHub, it’s requesting you to “Enter passphrase for key ‘/Users/username/.

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Should I Hire Remote Software Engineers?

Should I Hire Remote Software Engineers?

This is a comprehensive guide on the benefits and challenges of hiring remote software engineers.

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How to Improve Conversion Rates for Your Website: Why Isn't My Landing Page Converting?

How to Improve Conversion Rates for Your Website: Why Isn't My Landing Page Converting?

With over a decade spent optimizing landing pages for various businesses, I’ve seen it all.

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How to Build a World-Class Engineering Team

How to Build a World-Class Engineering Team

Ready to assemble the corporate equivalent of the Avengers? Then remember diversity is more than just a corporate buzzword; it’s a business imperative.

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How to Build a Unicorn Startup 🦄

How to Build a Unicorn Startup 🦄

In my many years spent working at startups, high growth businesses have always been my passion.

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